Cosmic Life Force Energy System
Path of LOVE

Path of LOVE leads you into a new experience within the CLFE interaction. The energy begins to flow in a different way and expands considerably. Having laid down massive energy flows in the Path of POWER, the Path of LOVE can now open out extensively and flourish. 

If the Path of POWER is like a tree's roots, trunk, branches & twiggs; the
Path of LOVE is its blossoms, leaves, fruit & seeds! 

Please note that with all expansion comes supportive balance and rejuvenation.

There is immense beauty and grace within this level

You will be transforming radically on all levels

It is a very deep experience

Path of LOVE is for those who have completed their Path of POWER training and
are ready to move forward. All training in the Cosmic Life Force Energy
System is at Anna's discretion.